Well back again to MTB at Lysterfield, the home of the Comm Games MTB course, and now also home to skin off my knee.
I came a cropper when I hit the base of a snapped-off tree that i never even saw. The "BAM" was the first thing I knew about and then I was bouncing on the ground for no apparent reason.
"What the fugg happened there?" was my muse while I was still sliding down the dirt.
At first it seemed my disk brakes must have jammed cos I thought I was cruising on a clear smooth dirt single track when everythig stopped dead - cept me. A look back revealed a tyre mark (yes, mine) running straight into a stub of ex-tree, about 3 inches high.
Didnt damage a rim or tyre - surprisingly enough - just pride. And took 2/3 of the skin off my knee, which is still making me hobble a bit as it heals - arent grazes the worst?! Oh the joy. And its amazing the respect your mates give you when they realise everythings ok and they cant see
inside the knee (eh Greg!). "Get the camera - AB's come off!" (Are these people vampires?) The pathetic, though well-meaning, obligatory band aid lasted about 5 nanoseconds, but its the thought that counts.
Being damn muddy, I also spent a good 1.5 hours cleaning and relubing the bikes this weekend just gone, but then thats kinda meditative.

Still, mud and blood MTB'ing beats driving the computer so you cant complain. Well, cept when you bend said knee standing up, siting down, trying to walk up steps or in a Mistress P snuggle. Then you cry like a purse carrying nancy boy. Bloody (scuse pun) grazes.
BTW: Jules, took the piccies and also made a
video of the biggest goddamn log roll I've seen.