Thursday, December 17, 2009

2010 NP X6 Boom - my 2c.

Ok, lets face it...

The old X6 Neil Pryde boom broke bits more often than a Melbourne train in a summer heatwave. (For those from out-of-town, that's a lot.)

Whether it was too much cost cutting, a lack of attention to detail, or all of the above, bits just simply fell off 'em all too often.

It was for this reason that I was about to chuck mine in the crusher and start again, cos I'd had a ($600) gutful. (Must be said, Pryde did supply free new bits without hesitation...)

Till i spoke to Paul @ SHQ.

"Try the '010 version" he insisted. "Its all new - you'll love it. Trust me..." {imagine a glint of pearly white light off his teeth/bald head.}

There and then he (and Mr Pryde) swapped over my old X6 for a brand spanker 2010 140-190cm jobbie, no questions asked. (Now that's service!)

And its all new.
And I love it.

I've sailed the '010 X6 for a few months now, in everything from big Bay waves to flat water Sandy Point blasting. Its been jumped, gybed, crashed, smeared and, due to the wonders of climate change, cooked in my shed before summer even arrived. Hence surely time for a review.

First things first. The shape is different. Stand 'em side by side and you'll immediately notice that the new boom has way more S-bend in the arms than the old one (see above pic; 2010 X6 lying ontop of a 2008 - with any luck they're breeding me a 2011 right now). I gather that having that bigger curve nearer the front is kinda like the physics of an egg; the tighter bend actually gives the thing strength. (Go on, tap on the tighter-bend end of an egg. Doesn't break as easily as whacking its bum does it?) I reckon it works.

The grip is good and arguably feels slightly narrower, even if the stats say it shouldn't be much difference. On the downside, I don't know if its the new grip, but even though my hands feel super secure and there's never a problem grabbing back on in a duck gybe, my goddamn harness lines seem impossible to stop sliding. Maybe I just need some decent lines - adjustable ones (that I never adjust) are the jack of all trades/master of none, and should be drowned at birth.

Speaking of feel, the new X6 also feels lighter, both on the beach and more importantly, out sailing. As I often say with good sailing kit, it's when you don't notice it that you know its doing a great job. And in a gybe, I'm not noticing this boom. (Well, cept the time a Sandy Point end-of-speed-strip duck duck gybe went horribly wrong; boom clipped the water and I was ejected forward at something akin to the speed of sound; or was that sonic boom just the sound of my back whacking the water?)

The boom head certainly looks a lot different. Still the same general clamping action as before but clearly made of different stuff in a different shape and with lots more air/less plastic. Not that the lighter weight design means its less efficient - you can certainly put a lot of force on it when closing around a mast. In fact I'd say be careful, cos I have indeed heard the odd "geez dude you're hurting me" whinge from the carbon fibre as the clamping gave way to crushing, at which point I've loosened things off in self preservation.
What this means, of course, is that you're unlikely to have the thing slip when used in anger - not that that ever happened with the old X6 - plus good to know when you're trying to clamp on extra hard to unstick a mast using the old two boom trick.

Finally, and what everyone really wants to know: AB - how stiff is it??

Well we're not quite into the "schoolboy's first read of Penthouse" stiffness category here, but I'd still rate it above "Sports Illustrated Elle McPherson issue" at the very least, and well above the "National Geographic Tahitian Special" of most alumimium jobbies.

And that's bloody good for a non full-carbon boom.

The new-alloy S-bend arms are clearly stiffer than the old model even at maximum extension, and that's definitely saying something; the one piece front and back ends certainly do their job. The carbon extensions also slide more easily into the arms of the boom than ever before, even after a run in the ludicrously fine Sandy Point sand. (Hey, they don't call it Sandy for nothing.) If they can still be smooth after that, they'll be smooth after anything. The clips are also strong, firm, and appear to be made of something different than before. Or at least they're white.

And thank Ford for that.

I've used them dozens of times now and they haven't broken, which would have been a canonising miracle for the old X6. This is despite them having the seams down all the old places, which was clearly a weak point. Still, the new plastics appear to be making up for the old design, cross fingers. Likewise the tail piece is still from the previous mould, where the seam goes straight through the hey diddle diddle of the rivet, a.k.a, through the highest stress point.

Which brings us to the rivet itself; mines already showing signs of rust (see pic). How much does a full galv/stainless rivet cost? Come on Neil - splurge on a freakin' rivet dude; you're killing me.

All up?
I like it.

Its stiff.
Its firm.
Its comfy.
Its barely noticeable.
Its held together in original form so far and that's so good.

The 2010 X6 140-190cm boom

Overall rating: 8 "woohoo's!" out of 10.
Likes: Stiff, light, strong, forgettable; all the good stuff for a boom
Dislikes: The rusty rivet (Neil Pryde's personal fault). The slidy harness lines (Maybe my fault). Some decals falling off already.
Summary: In the words of Dr Suess "Green Eggs and Ham", surely in at least partial reference to NP X6 booms:
"You do not like them.
So you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may, I say."
Right on Doc.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Does it get any better????

Does it get any better than this (on flat water) umpire??

Dead flat water.

Inlet all to yourself.

(Well 'cept for a couple of mates.)


Steady 20knots WSW.

(Ok, it could have been a little more southerly, but who's going to complain...)

30 knots of speed.

A board that levitates (see the last photo..).

Oh, and a beautiful wife who offers you a sandwich at the end of it all.

The only downside was having to go home.

Sandy Point.

December 13.



(Lots more pics here...)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm a Turkey - or Swine as the case may be...

I was recently in Canberra for worky stuff and on the way home I stepped out the QANTAS club at the same time as Nicola Roxon (Federal Minister for Health & Ageing) stepped out of the Business club lounge (they separate them now; Qclub is so low brow these days you know).

She proceeded to join the queue for the plane to Swine flu central (a.k.a Melbourne) right behind lil old me.

Or at least I thought it was the Minister for Health - she was shorter than I imagined and trying to juggle a massive bunch of folders and notes that appeared to sum to about the same size and volume as herself.

("Mmmm... looks like a bit of an OH&S problem ya got right there..." I mused quietly to myself)

Trying not to appear like a total nong (always hard I know), I slipped a look at her boarding pass, and indeed it was the Federal Minister for Health her very self.

I couldn't help it...

"Well," I said "I feel just that bit more confident in the fate of the world seeing you jetting down to Melbourne not wearing a surgical mask..." or some dumb line like that.

She laughed and said some niceties and then I did it.

"This swine flu thingy - its all a bit blown out of proportion isn't it; like (I dont think I used the word "dude" here) it's just a normal every-year flu really..."

At which point she put on her race face and gave a me a mini lecture on flu and mutations and spreads and WHOs and...
"Oh well, either way, guess its all a good dry run for the big one then..."
and she gave me the
'MMmmmm... not sure about that one'
mumble and gaze.

We actually had nice little chat as the queue crawled along (she kept telling me how tired she was... "somewhat understandable given the situation" I think I said) and when we eventually boarded the plane the hostie even asked if we were going to be sitting together.
("NO!" we both replied in unison... not quite sure what that meant but probably indicated I knew my place (economy) and she just wanted rid of this guy in a rather nice blue jacket (no tie). Either that or she needed the extra seats for her skyhigh pile of manila folders/I didn't want to be Stuart Diver'd in a bizarre manila folder collapse accident.)

Then it hit me.

I deal with nutbag climate sceptic arguments event day.
Serious, loony, uninformed nutbags.
They drive me crazy.

They've never read a climate paper.
They've never been to a climate conference.
They've never even talked to a climate scientist.
Yet they feel they can tell me that they know whats really happening with the climate.
(Ay Kurumba...)

And thats effectively what I did (just replace "climate" with "swine flu" in the above)...
To the Federal Minister for Health!

Nicola - I apologise.
And hope you get more sleep (watch the folders).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Heads up....

The weekend saw us rush off down to Portsea for a bit of a bike ride down to the infamous Port Phillip Heads to watch Mistress P's mum's new boat (an Elliot17; a 56 foot racing boat, and 25th in last years Sydney-Hobart) head through on the slack water, on the way up to Qld.

When we first saw Rager, they seemed miles and miles away, off Blairgowrie, and I looked at my watch and said to Mistress P: "She reckons they'll be here by 3:30 - I reckon she's dreaming!"

We then sauntered off and stopped at "Eagles Nest" which is the lookout bunker on a small peak near the Point (its all old concrete army bunkers in the hill designed to blast invading ships out of the water and protect Melbourne from invasion...) where they had a high powered binocular set up.

They were getting a bit closer, but wow... when we looked through the binocs they were MOTORING (as in sailing fast... not literally on the motor).

And with 20+ knots of northerly they had 2 reefs in as well.

We held Mike up and gave him a look too, and we think he could see something cos he did say "boat" (and maybe even "Yayas boat"; I cant quite recall now) a couple of times...

Suddenly we realised that we were actually in a bit of a race to make it to the Point and see them through, as the lad was pretty keen on walking himself and not being plonked in the converted bike trailer. So off we bolted...

And found ourselves a spot below a beacon to wave them through with the bike trailer flag. Not that they would have been able to see it.

No sooner were they there than they were gone. This thing is seriously fast... like 11 - 12 knots. Ok, its no windsurfer, but for a boat thats damn quick.

Anyway, well worth seeing and a beautiful spot to have all to ourselves.

Enjoy the pics... (and yes, that is a giant beer bottle on their side...)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Labour of love

Gotta love Labour Day.

At Sandy Point.

With a 6.5 and 18 knots of wind.
