Another year and another Sandy Point Cup Weekend blast...
This year it was a combination of 2 days on the inlet searching for speed and 2 days out on the waves of Waratah Bay searching for down the line wave rides. Vunderba!
Competed in my first ever wave comp... absolutely no idea how i went, but considering I didnt get nearly drowned out there this time I consider myself a winner(!) Our good friends, fellow W.A travelers, and general young whipper-snappers, Joel and James, managed second and third, so i'll just bask in some reflected glory and leave it at that.
Mistress P managed 3 sails for the weekend, cranking out speed runs (if an old freestyle board can be considered capable of speed) and almost pulling off her first carve gybe. I think the shock of turning the board, flipping the sail and having it hang there read to grab-and-go was too much for her brain to comprehend - she stopped! (Grab it grrl!!!). Now for a girl almost mid term preggas, thats not too bad...
Plenty of friends, (old and new), tons of sailing, lots of chocolate, a smorgasboard of barbeques and a few cleansing ales... Does it get any better than that umpire?