One for the weird and wonderful (ok, maybe not all that wonderful) file.
Ricketts Point, a 5.0 and the 93 JP freestyle wave, waves and a dying wind. Decide on a little bit of a speed run down the line of the waves, and turned her up to 11. We were smoking.
"Mmmmm... whats that blue thing down ther......."
"Ohmigodnooooooo....." and over the front we go in the traditional rag doll in the jaws of a rottweiler catapult fling and smash - something we hadnt had the "joy" of experiencing, at least at that sorta speed, in quite a numbe of years.
"What the goddamn $#%^&*^ hell..." I gasped as I came back to the surface and checked that the board/sail/mast/most of my more vital body parts were still in tact.
And there it was floating, somewhat worse for wear and exhibiting a doozy of a fin-induced crease: a bucket. A blue plastic dropped-over-the-side-from-a-bloody-fishing-boat bucket.
Well fugg me. (And it almost did.)