When in Geraldton, W.A, we were told that, yet again, a deep water port was planned for Oakajee in order to help export even more of the mineral wealth of Western Australia. Great, but it would also bugger windsurfing north of Gero. And although a lot of people have kinda shrugged it off as "all having been said before", the problem this time is that there actually is a
minerals boom that could support it, based largely upon the rapid growth and need for materials in China. And it seems this boom has no end in sight... anyway, deep water port/Oakajee...
Oakajee is pretty much Spot X,
a local(s) sailing spot. A port would not only bugger up Spot X, but also ruin the wind and waves at the world famous
Coronation Beach, thus making it worthless for windsurfing. Theres lotsa info on the possible impacts at the
Geraldton Windsurfing Club web pages.
As a concerned windsurfing citizen, I sent an email letter to the
Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Hon.
Alannah MacTiernan. (And so can you...
alannah-mactiernan@dpc.wa.gov.au ).
In short I was concerned at the impact upon the coast and windsurfing at Geraldton, and hence upon the local tourist support industry. My letter is at the bottom of this post. I've just received a response (click on the letter to enlarge if you cant read it...) :

Whats interesting are the comments that 1) It will have little effect upon Coro, which is
damn hard to believe. Even just one of the massive ships berthed at Oakajee will surely destroy the wind, let alone what the breakwater will do to waves and sand movement (and hence bottom topography and, again, waves), 2) that Spot X is mentioned, which i did not even raise in the email. Clearly this means they know about the fact that this location will be sacrificed and people are not gunna like that, and 3) that they are deferring to the
Geraldton Port Authority on this state-based issue. (Like they'd ever want to move away from Gero...?)
I'm far from convinced without seeing the facts. Hopefully we'll hear more. And hopefully more people will be equally concerned enough to write.
My original letter (feel free to use for inspiration) was as follows:
Dear Ms MacTiernan,
Over the summer months i traveled to Geraldton to windsurf at the (world) famous Coronation Beach.
It was with some dismay that i learnt that a deep water port is planned for Oakajee, just upwind of Coronation. If this were to occur, Coronation Beach, it's waves and it's wind would be devastated.
While this may seem small impact given the vast wealth that will be supported by the port, it would have a hugely detrimental impact upon the local tourist industry. Our group alone consisted of over 20 people, all from outside of Geraldton, who had come for the sole reason of windsurfing the near-perfect break that is Coronation Beach. If this were to be spoiled we simply would not be visiting Geraldton at all, but travel elsewhere to sail, possibly not even in W.A. This would be the same for hundreds, if not more, people from interstate and overseas every year, contributing significantly to the livelihoods of a huge number of locals in "Gero".
If the port were to be located somewhere further north on that stretch of coast, not only would the big mining companies maintain their operations, but so would the mum and dad tourism operators, cafes, caravan parks, surf shops etc who rely upon the influx of non-locals every summer. And of course, I could keep my favourite beach in the world.
I hope that you can consider this request.
Kind Regards,
Andrew B. Watkins