Friday, March 23, 2007

bizzare cycling injury #10

We've experienced been some bizarre cycling injures in the past - broken bone in hand from crashing (and grabbing onto) a chicken wire fence; grain of dirt in the eye so embedded that required a doc to literally scratch it off our eyeball; burnt finger from going "geez that was a bloody steep descent - wonder how hot my disk brakes got...? FUGGGINOUUUUCH!"

Then today riding to work another to add to the list.

"Wasp lands on hand and gets feet stuck in cycling glove soft velcro stick pad thingy, craps itself and stings me like a bastard"

Took 2 or 3 flicks to get the damn thing off he was on that tight. (Which only got him more pissed, and me more stung, off i reckon.)

Christ on a bike... (I'm gunna be whining for my mummy all day.)

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