Saturday, May 27, 2006

wheres the wind?

Autumn. And a young mans fancy turns to freekin out cos the wind stops. And then comes the rain.

But the one good thing about it all is that it also means its time to turn the attention to the trails. MTB trails that is.

And today was a corker.

I've been a bit lazy of late and hadnt hit the dirt al that much. Watching "Chosen Line" on Ch.31 was about as close as it was getting - though those guys are pure nutbags; i mean, hucking it over a railway crossing (with train travelling underneath) and landing with zero braking distance.. whats going on there?? (A broken collarbone it looked like.) Wednesdays 10:30pm (and Fridays 2:30am)...

Anyway, with such inspiration it was time to hit the trails at Lysterfield, and the Commonwelf games course. Got to the rock garden and i was on fire... didnt miss a beat and the rocks just seemed to flow the right way for me. The big boulder, which i'd baulked at before - no wukkas - I was pumped. Slowing down the rebound on the rear suspension really seemed to work a treat. It was a bit like skiing - into corners it sat well and felt it squatted a little, and hen as you powered out it sprung up and felt like it heled you power out. Coool.

Plenty of roos about, some new people to ride with, a blue sky day and a nice set up.
Its hardly a windsurf, but hey, i was smilin'. Great day...

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